Debbie O’Berry, Licensed Professional Counselor; Certified Advanced Addiction Counselor
3827 W. Howell Road Mason, Michigan 48854 517-256-6751
read books

Debbie's blog!   Yes, I am doing this.  It seems to be the thing to do now.  How fun!

I'll share the books I've been reading, reflections that have helped me through different aspects of my life.  I hope that you will find something that you can use in your life and may also enjoy these books.


March 25, 2017

                I am in Paradise. Reading about abandonment. He writes, ” I know about abandonment. I know that you never really get over it. I also know it can force changes that you think will kill you, but in fact they save your life.” “That is the great…

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Be an Includer

March 19, 2017

Yes it is…. A way to make a difference and help daughter’s of all ages to feel included. Be an ” includer”. I like that. God calls us to use our hurts to help and empathize with others. RAISING GIRLS WHO ARE “INCLUDERS” INSTEAD OF “MEAN GIRLS”

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