When there are problems or stress in a marriage, a couple will benefit with having the interactions monitored by a therapist. Sometimes as the couple interacts in the session, baggage or traditions that are brought into the marriage can be looked at, compromises can be made which lead to different results that may bring harmony to the marriage. Marriage Counseling offers accountability when change is needed, role playing, and practicing of different techniques that may be needed.
Marriage Counseling for one - Is there hope for your marriage? Marriage counseling is ideal when there are two individuals working on the issues. But what about the spouse who wants to work on problems when the partner isn’t involved. It is possible to improve your marriage all by yourself. Yes it is..... What an interesting concept.
Communication – Skills can be built to learn to communicate feelings in a non confrontive and appropriate way. Learn to listen and be able to connect with others. Most of us just want to be heard and understood.
Emotionally abandoned – When a person lives with a spouse and still feels alone. A person assumes he or she were never worthy in the first place. Or the person places all his or her happiness in the relationship with the spouse. Many of us marry in order to connect with someone and end up feeling isolated and alone. Learn how to start where you are and add healthy outside activities that will bring more satisfaction to your union.
Educational tools will be used that will give the couple a different perspective on their problem. Books may be suggested for the couple to read; assessments given to determine problems areas. Homework may be given to help with accountability and progress of the change desired. Some of the tools available through Branch Counseling are Five Love Languages, Every Great Marriage DVD Series, Love & Respect Classes, Smalley’s DNA of Marriages and Marriage Boundaries. Library books are available to check out also.