Debbie O’Berry, Licensed Professional Counselor; Certified Advanced Addiction Counselor
3827 W. Howell Road Mason, Michigan 48854 517-256-6751

""I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.."

John 15:5

Phone: 517-256-6751
3827 W. Howell Road Mason, Michigan 48854

We Can Help

Branch Counseling is where problems can be solved, hearts healed and families mended with family, marriage and individual counseling.  As a licensed practitioner counselor, I can help!  I can also address it from the Christian perspective.

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Christian Counseling

Branch Counseling practices Christian based counseling in Mason, Michigan. Christian counseling is unique in that it not only works with a person’s mental and emotional health but also brings the Biblical aspect.

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Your security is a top priority at Branch Counseling.  Everything will be done to ensure your privacy is not compromised.  All data is protected by the HIPAA Compliance Act .  You will always see https (green) when visiting our site as another layer of security.

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