Debbie's blog! Yes, I am doing this. It seems to be the thing to do now. How fun!
I'll share the books I've been reading, reflections that have helped me through different aspects of my life. I hope that you will find something that you can use in your life and may also enjoy these books.
We are entering into the 6th week of the pamdemic. We had done what we could to comply with the stay at home order and we are looking forward to it ending soon. It seems like everyday brings challenges. How to get groceries. What to do while people are home and the possible projects that…
Read MoreI am desiring to go deeper in the friend area. I have lost several key people in my life over the years and I am feeling the need to establish more friends. Not just those that take and are there in the good times but ones that want to go deeper with me. I have…
Read MoreMarriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman, designed to display to the world in Technicolor the covenant-keeping character and faithfulness of God Himself. Regardless of its weaknesses and challenges, your marriage can be a beacon of gospel truth and hope. This noble outcome does not depend on your husband’s getting his…
Read MoreDry Spells in THE QUIET PLACE by Nancy DeMoss starts off with Psalms 42:11,” Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are in in turmoil within me? Hope in God: for I shall again praise him my salvation and my God.”. Dry Spells are good opportunities to ask God to show us…
Read MoreLike 1:35 says “The Holy Spirit Will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.”. Nancy challenges us in Defy Explanation in THE QUIET PLACE to believe him for the impossible –reconcilation of marriages, the salvation of unbelieving friends and relatives, the spiritual transformation of wayward children, a fresh outpuring…
Read MoreMaintaining Your Distance is today’s reading from THE QUIET PLACE by Nancy DeMoss. She starts out by saying that none of us are immune from sexual sin. As Christians we need to pursue purity of thought and practice. Sexual purity mirrors the character of God. To be faithful, loving, and a covenant-keeper. Every aspect of…
Read MoreLove That Restores is today’s reading in THE QUIET PLACE by Nancy DeMoss. James 5:19-20 is where she started. “My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover…
Read MoreOnCONSIDER HIM when things are hard. When the sump pump in the basement doesn’t work. When the water comes to close to the house from the pond. When your husband is overwhelmed with it all. Yes trust God.
Read MoreLIKE DRINKING POISON, by Nancy DeMoss in THE QUIET PLACE leads off with Matthew 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” Hating someone or not forgiving someone would be like drinking poison and hoping someone else would die. Really, that is a bit foolish. But we do it all the time. I…
Read MoreScripture today is 2 Timothy 2:22, “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the LORD from a pure heart.” One of my favorite books in the Bible. So I ask the Lord, “Are there any youthful passions that I need to work to ellimanate? Nancy…
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