During the Pamdemic
We are entering into the 6th week of the pamdemic. We had done what we could to comply with the stay at home order and we are looking forward to it ending soon. It seems like everyday brings challenges. How to get groceries. What to do while people are home and the possible projects that…
Read MoreIt’s Not Supposed To Be This Way
A new book given to me by a client. I read the introduction and the first chapter this morning and I thought I would share it with you wondering if you would like to read it with me. I am not promising that I will read a chapter a day but I will at least…
Read MoreRe – Membering Your Broken Pieces
I woke early today, longing to sit with the Father, I got up. Coffee in hand; The Broken Way in my lap. I read: Re-Membering Your Broken Pieces. Focusing on the last supper He broke and gave. There had to be brokenness. The miracle happens in the brokenness. He broke the bread. He gave. He breaks the temptation to self…
Read MoreThe Broken Way
This morning as I sat and drank my coffee, I looked at this book that I had bought over a year ago that I had put on my shelf. I ran into it as I was decoratinng for Christmas yesterday. I laid in on my morning chair. So this morning I thought I would pick…
Read MoreObedience
Today Wright says “When you are obedient to God, you have psychological health. The fruit of obedience is health. Page 125 in A MORE EXCELLENT WAY. So what is the opposite? Disease is the fruit of disobedience where Satan is lord. Disease follows relationship breakdown. Seperation from the Godhead. Seperation from yourself. Seperation from others.…
Read MoreWhere is our faith?
In A MORE EXCELLENT WAY, Dr. Wright says that fear, anxiety and stress produce tension and tension headaches. Muscle contraction backaches also are caused by fear, anxiety and stress. Contective tissue problems like Rheumatoid Arthritis are caused by self hatred and guilt. Asthma is caused by deep rooted fear, anxiety and stress. That root of…
Read MoreBitterness
Ephesians 6:12 ” for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rules of the darkness of this world, against spritual wickedness in high places.”. Their sin is our enemy –NOT THEM! Bitterness is a principality; under it and answering to it are seven spritis that reinforce bitteress. …
Read MoreAnger Rage & Resentment
Today the sun is shining. Every thing looks hopeful and bright and cheery, full of hope and possibilities. Today in my reading A MORE EXCELLENT WAY, Wright says on page 207 that anger, rage and resentment is a spritual problem; it is not genetic. Anger, Rage and Resentment can causes aneurysms, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids. …
Read MoreCrazy Life…
As I read in A MORE EXCELLENT WAY, I am seeing that fear, anxiety & stress is the cause for Angina, High Blood Preasure, Hearth Arrhythmias, and Mitral Valve Prolapse. Self-Bitterness, Self-Rejection and Self-hatred causes coronary Artery Disease, strokes, disease of the heat muscle caused by inflammation. As I read the different diseases I see…
Read MoreBroken Hearted….
Today I am reading in A MORE EXCELLENT WAY, in Fear, Stress, and Physiology on page 201. As fear and anxiety are moving inside you, hormones are released to the a (alpha) and B (beta) receptors and all parts of your body are affected. Your body starts attacking everything and changing. Your body is being…
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