Debbie's blog! Yes, I am doing this. It seems to be the thing to do now. How fun!
I'll share the books I've been reading, reflections that have helped me through different aspects of my life. I hope that you will find something that you can use in your life and may also enjoy these books.
Mark 10:9 “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” That is a really hard thing to do as someone that may be frustrated in a marriage. What do you do when your heart is not in it? As we look at God’s Word, we see that God does not like divorce. But…
Read MoreI am writing a book on marriage. Of course, some of these ideas could be used in any relationships. I am putting my techniques that I use in my counseling on paper so that someday all will be able to have access the information. So, as I write I would like to share pieces of…
Read MoreToday in the devotional it talks of imitating those that spoke the Word of God to you. Hebrews 13:7-9. The Word of God meets us in real life. But I really like the phrase “Imitate the ones who looked so much like Jesus that they startled the world.” May God the Holy Spirit give you…
Read MoreThe thrill of hope. I really want to God’s people to live more fully into their sacred calling. I desperately what God’s people to stop claiming the name if they do notyhing with the responsibility of that title. Regardless of what is going on in my life, I see God working. When I am weary…
Read MoreI woke early today, longing to sit with the Father, I got up. Coffee in hand; The Broken Way in my lap. I read: Re-Membering Your Broken Pieces. Focusing on the last supper He broke and gave. There had to be brokenness. The miracle happens in the brokenness. He broke the bread. He gave. He breaks the temptation to self…
Read MoreThis morning as I sat and drank my coffee, I looked at this book that I had bought over a year ago that I had put on my shelf. I ran into it as I was decoratinng for Christmas yesterday. I laid in on my morning chair. So this morning I thought I would pick…
Read MoreIn The Quiet Place, we read scriptures that says “Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on Earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossioans 3:2-3. Nancy talks about feelings that if they are left to roam will, they will likely lead…
Read MoreIn the devotional today in The Quiet Place, Nancy titles “Do It Right”. She is a radio show teacher. She shares about an incident where her coach requested her to do something over. So she did. It turned out better and when she did she even modeled to those setting in on it that she was…
Read MoreToday’s reading in The Quiet Place is great for today. As we see children trick or treating they are dressing up as clowns and pirates but are really not. They are pretending. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image…
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